Have you ever felt like something is missing but are unsure what it is you are even looking for?
Soul-Centered Experience: A Transformative Journey
Client's Words
Lauren US
I haven't felt this good in a long time.
Craig CA
For the first time in a long time, I don't feel like I need support.
Elijah CA
I feel still and quiet inside.
Lindsay CA
That was so helpful, thank you.
James US
I didn't know I could go there; that was deep.
Stacy US
That was hard but worth it, thank you.
Pearl UK
Wow, that was so real, I didn't know I could feel that.
Steve US
I needed that, thank you.
Jennie UK
I feel really calm, I think I just want to enjoy this for a while.
Georgia UK
Thanks for helping me see it that way, it's so helpful.
One To One Soul To Soul
When You Know The Truth About Yourself, That Truth Will Set You Free.
Personalized Sessions
Experience the behavioural and transformative effects of your truth, your center.
Lighten the load and step into more of who you are.
Experince your truth.
Experience peace and calmness within your own body.
Feel relief from trauma.
Become self-reliant.
Learn to be present.
2.5 Hour Deep Dive
Go on a deep dive into something you would like clarity with, layer by layer, to get to the root of one issue.
- Pay attention to anything that leads you back to yourself and aligns with your truth.
The constant need to be something other than yourself can be exhausting.
The intellectual well of knowledge is abundant and tapped into, but the well of our own soul is full and rarely drank from.What does healing mean to you?Instead of trying to fix or change yourself, seek to understand and accept.I’m less interested in giving you a how-to and more interested in you connecting to what’s available within yourself. We have what we need but it’s often hidden from us, covered by our emotions.A Better question to ask is, what creates it, and where does it come from, than how do you get rid of it.There is no shortcut to mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.What’s one conversation you could have today that would unburden you some, so the upcoming week would be better?Books are good, knowledge is great, but conversations spoken from soul to soul through the door of vulnerability have the ability to awaken our sleeping self.Have you become so convinced of the idea of who you are, that you have forgotten what it feels like to be you?Is our attachment to a fantasy holding us back from a great reality. Hi, I'm Steve,
My clients try to define exactly what I do in a session, the conclusion is that it's a deeply somatic combination of counselling, coaching, spiritual guidance and healing.
Healing; a soul journey of uncovering and connecting to what you feel has been missing.
My Bio,
For most of my life, I have been drawn to work with others in a healing capacity. After trying many traditional methods and only getting temporary relief, I embarked on a journey of learning deeply about myself and who I was.
I dove headfirst for 16 years into somatic work, emotional work, spiritual work, energy work, shadow work, psychological work, and in doing so have learned what it feels like on a spiritual, mental, energetic, and physical level to heal.
This does not mean I have arrived at some magical place, but that I do feel safe within my own body and feel more connected to who I am than I ever thought possible.
Along this journey, I have had some great mentors and healers who have influenced me deeply and have helped me develop my own style and way in which I work with people; a compassionate journey into your own body, mind, and soul.
To summarize, I think it was mostly an UNLEARNING that has brought me to this place, and from that stillness and clarity, I bring a very open, non-judgmental presence to you, my clients. If this feels like it might be a safe place for you to uncover your truths, book an initial consultation let's talk!
My Training, Courses, teachings, and experiences:
BraveSoul Coaching
Compassionate Inquiry
One Last Talk™️ Facilitator onelasttalk.com
How To Heal Dissociation
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Massage Therapy
20 years Of Owning A Home Building Company
Life Experiences
22 Years of entrepreneurship successes and failures.
23 Years in a healthy committed marriage.
Struggles & successes of being a father.
Crises of faith & finding peace within.
Times of deep loneliness then experiencing deep connection.
Going through and healing from a problematic kundalini experience.
Profound personal spiritual experiences.
Influential Teachers In My Life
Soul connection
Philip McKernan
Maharishikaa Preeti
Safa Boga
Gabor Mate (Compassion Inquiry training)
Anthony De Mello's teachings
Have you ever felt like something is missing but are unsure what it is you are even looking for?
Do you experience loneliness even though you have family and friends?
Deep down, you realize there is more to you, but for whatever reason haven't been able to access it.
Have you felt like there is a battle inside but are unsure why and what is happening?
Are you going through a spiritual or energetic crisis and need support?
Do you want a deeper connection to others and yourself?
Do you find that life is unsatisfying most of the time?
Are you always thinking about the future or past and have a hard time being present?
You know somewhere at a deep level that you don't have to stay in the state you are currently experiencing.
Do you feel comfortable with your life but want to explore what's possible for you?
Got a question, send a short email.
© 2019